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Forms & Worksheets

CPP Update

Enhancements to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) will require an increase in CPP contributions, which will be phased-in over the next few years. Click here for additional information from CRA.

Employer Q&A

GSI sponsors the ELCIC Pension Plan and ELCIC Group Benefits Plan on behalf of all ELCIC employers: congregations and other affiliated organizations. GSI strives for a close working relationship with ELCIC employers, as open and continuous communication is important for maintaining best practices and accurate record keeping.  The information provided here is intended to assist employers in their duties. Please reach out if you need clarification or have additional questions.

Payroll Information for Treasurers Related to GSI

Definitions & Adminstration

Employee Definitions

Rostered Employees

Rostered Employees refers to an ordained pastor or deacon on the ELCIC Roster or on the Roster of a church which is a full communion partner of ELCIC.

Non-Rostered Employees

Non-Rostered employees includes all other employees.

Intern Employees

An intern is an employee in assigned to a congregation working under supervision as part of their training. This person is typically additional to the regular slate of personnel.

Employer Eligibility and Agreements

This document describes the various employers that participate in the ELCIC group plans and lists the agreements that are required for joining.

ELCIC employers participate in the ELCIC Pension Plan and subscribe to the ELCIC Group Benefits Plan. The roles and responsibilities of GSI and ELCIC Employers are described in Agreements that both parties entered into when these relationships were established either a couple of decades ago or more recently for new organizations.

If you, as the treasurer are unable to locate the agreement for your organization please contact GSI and we will provide a copy for your records.

Here are sample agreements for your reference.

ELCIC Pension Plan Participation Agreement

ELCIC Group Benefits Subscription Agreement

Salary Definitions

Definition of “Salary Basis”


The Salary Basis Calculation form will determine the Salary that will be used for monthly pension and benefit remittances.  Salary means:

A. gross earnings paid

B. additional earnings such as overtime, bonuses and vacation pay

C. housing equity paid or housing allowance paid (if applicable)

D. sum of A+B+C = ELCIC Benefits Insurable Earnings

E. fair rental value of the residence, where a parsonage is provided to the employee

F. sum of D+E = ELCIC Pensionable Earnings

Subsequent to meeting eligibility and enrolling in the Pension Plan, salary also includes compensation from interim positions, vacation relief, pulpit supply stipends etc.

See the “New Employee” section of the Life Events – Employer Role page for the YMPE calculations chart.

Monthly remittances

GSI prepares a monthly invoice (around the second last Tuesday of the month) for pension contributions, benefit premiums and CEP contributions based on the enrollment and the salary of each employee in the congregation.

Invoices should be reviewed carefully to ensure that all the information is correct.

Pre-Authorized Debit

GSI will automatically debit the congregation/employer’s bank account for the invoiced amount. Whether the invoice is the same every month or if there are fluctuating salaries, GSI can debit the exact amount of the unique monthly invoice.


Adjustments typically arise for employees that are paid hourly where the hours change each pay period. Changes to the monthly invoice can also occur when there are partial months for new or terminating employees, for retro pay or bonus or vacation payouts.

Please e-mail the monthly salary to for fluctuating or partial months as soon as the information is available. If we receive it before  the invoicing date you should get the correct invoice. If you send the information after invoicing or you notice other changes that need to be made after you review the invoice, just let us know and we will revise the invoice and resend it to you.


Payment is due on the 15th of the month following the invoice date. If the congregation/employer has signed up for pre-authorized debit, it will occur on the 15th or following business day. If payment is made by physical cheque, please return a copy of the invoice with your cheque by the 15th of the month following the invoiced month.

First and last payment

Pension contributions and Life Plus benefit premiums are based on the actual salary for the month (full or partial).

Health Care benefit  premium payment policy is:

First payment Enrollment Date Payment Required
1st of month Full monthly payment
After 1st of month No payment for that month, full payment in month following
Final payment Termination date Payment required
Any day of the month Full monthly payment

Please note that Manulife requires that premiums be submitted on the above noted basis as they will not accept pro-rated premiums for a partial month worked.  However, benefits coverage starts on the enrollment date and ends on the termination date.

Pension Contributions and Benefits Premiums

Eligibility and Enrollment

Employees are enrolled in the ELCIC pension and benefits plans based on eligibility.

Information about what to do if you have an employee who is new, leaving, or experiencing another life event can be found on the Life Events – Employer page and look for “New Employee” to review the eligibility and enrollment requirements. There is also information about the forms to complete, with the actual forms found on the ‘Forms & Worksheets‘ page.

Note that Interns (as defined above) are not eligible for enrollment in the ELCIC Pension and Group Benefits Plans.

Pension Plan Contributions

Contributions are paid on your Employee’s Salary as defined above. Note that GSI will also accept pension contributions on supply services for pastors that have previously qualified and have an ongoing pension account.

Member Contribution to Pension   7% of Salary

Employer Contribution to Pension on Behalf of Member   8% of Salary

Member Voluntary Contributions to Pension   The ELCIC Pension Plan, in accordance with the maximum contributions allowed by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), can receive, by payroll deduction, a total yearly contribution of 18% of an employee’s salary.  Voluntary employee contributions must also be in accordance with CRA’s guidelines for Pension Plan/RRSP contributions. It is each member’s responsibility to ensure that all extra contributions to a pension plan or RRSP are within their personal limits.

Contribution Maximum    Contributions are limited to 18% of a member’s salary to a maximum as follows:




Benefits Premiums

Life Plus benefits

includes: basic life, dependent life, accidental death & dismemberment, short-term disability, long-term disability, parental leave supplemental pay, and member and family assistance plan

Employers pay 100% of the premiums as a percentage based on Salary.

Also see the life insurance premiums section below as they are a taxable benefit.

Health Care benefits (Modules: Blue or Green or Teal)

includes: prescription drugs, professional services, medical supplies, vision care, dental care, and travel health.

The coverage amounts for these benefits vary depending on the module selected by the employee. A detailed description of what the coverage is, can be found on the Benefits page.

Employers are required to pay the premium for the Blue module. The cost difference for the Green or Teal modules may be funded by the member, the employer or shared by both.

The monthly premiums are provided on the premium rates page.

Life Insurance Taxable Benefit Information

The life insurance and accidental death coverage for employees is included in a bundled benefit within the ELCIC Group Benefits Plan.  CRA states that when premiums are paid by the employer on behalf of an employee, they are taxable and pensionable (CPP must be deducted) but are not insurable (EI is not deducted).

On the T4 slip, this benefit would be reported in Box 14 “Employment Income” and also in included in Box 40 “Other Information – Other Taxable Benefits & Allowances”.  To calculate the taxable benefit please use the worksheet on the forms and worksheets page of this website.

Payroll Information for Treasurers Related to Total Compensation

(excluding GSI sponsored items)



The ELCIC has established a practice of compensating employees in a number of ways as described in more detail the National Compensation Guidelines:

  • salary
  • housing (+ utilities)
  • education
  • pension and benefits
  • auto/travel
  • books
  • and possibly others.

Each of these may have a different treatment under the income tax act and for the purpose of calculating Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions, Employment Insurance (EI) or the ELCIC group pension and benefits.  This is described in the following sections and a calculation worksheet has been provided to assist with monthly calculations and to complete the T4.


The salary guidelines of your synod indicates a minimum base salary which will vary depending on the years of services and other relevant factors.  All other benefits and withholdings will be calculated on this amount (in addition to some others – keep reading).


Many congregations split the compensation of the Rostered employee between a salary and a housing component. If your congregations owns a house as a residence for the employee, GSI recommends that you compensate the employee as if they were not living there and then charge appropriate rent. This strategy will maximize the employees salary protection benefits for life and disability for the time when they are no longer living in the parsonage.

Clergy are eligible for preferential tax treatment on their living accommodations – please review the next two sections.   The following table provides some information regarding income tax, CPP and EI with respect to housing.

Taxable Benefit
With holding
General InformationHousing provided is a taxable benefitsee the specifics of each variation that followsAll amounts need to be reported on the T4.
(if not paying rent)
Employees living in a parsonage are attributed a taxable benefit at the fair market value of rent for similar accommodations in the area.Clergy should present a completed T1223 Clergy Residence Deduction form and then with holdings can be reduced.Include amount of taxable benefit in box 14 and box 30 do not include amount in box 26 if with holdings have been reduced
Housing EquityHousing equity as a cash payment is part of incomeIncome tax, CPP and EI must be deductedT4 box 14
Housing AllowanceHousing allowance as a cash payment is part of income. ELCIC recommends that such an allowance be paid at the fair market value of rent for similar accomodations in the area (annual review should be undertaken)Clergy needs to complete a T1213 Request to Reduce Tax Deductions At Source for Year(s). CRA will then issue a Letter of Authority and then with holdings can be reduced.include amount of taxable benefit in box 14; do not include amount in box 26 if with holdings have been reduced.
UtilitiesUtilities paid by congregations are a taxable benefit and can include: hydro, natural gas, water, phone, cable and internet.with holdings can be reduced based on the amount of utilities paidinclude amount paid as a taxable benefit in box 14 and box 40 do not include amount in box 26 if with holdings have been reduced.

Request to Reduce Deductions at Source

If your employee knows that they will be claiming their residence as a deduction when they file their tax return, they may wish to reduce the amounts withheld from their pay each month, as they anticipate that it will be refunded.  In order to reduce the withholdings the employee will need to file a T1213 annually.  Note that the T1213 lists several possible deductions; clergy residence is at the top of the second page. Please advise them to enter the amount and attach a copy of their previous year’s T1223 Clergy Residence Deduction form to CRA.

Do not reduce the withholdings until you have the Letter of Authority from CRA.

It is recommended that the T1213 be filed by November to allow sufficient time for CRA to issue the Letter of Authority for the following year.  Please note that filing the T1213 is not mandatory, and if not completed, the pay withholdings should not be reduced and the employee may get a refund accordingly when they file their return with a T1223 Clergy Residence Deduction form.

Also, please be aware that the clergy residence deduction will reduce CPP contributions only to the extent that the reduction is below the YMPE threshold.

Clergy Residence Deduction

The employee has to complete Parts A and C of the T1223 and the employer has to complete Part B that will certify the employee has met the required conditions.  The employee should file a copy of the form with his or her income tax return and keep a copy of the signed form for their records.

For detailed information on the Clergy Housing Deduction, refer to Interpretation Bulletin IT-141R

Reducing CPP due to Clergy Residence Deduction: 

Most rostered ministers claim a clergy residence deduction (CRD) when they file their annual tax return. As a treasurer, you may reduce the withholdings for income tax and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) if you have Letter of Authority from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). This letter is issued upon successful application by the rostered minister by submitting a T1213 and T1223 to CRA. 


Please Note:

The clergy residence deduction will reduce CPP contributions only to the extent it reduces earnings below the Yearly Maximum Pensionable Earnings (YMPE). Please review your payroll calculations if the rostered minister is earning more than the YPME as only a portion, or maybe none of the deduction may be eligible to reduce CPP contributions. 

Also note that the net earnings (gross minus CRD) are entered in box 26, not the YMPE less the CRD (unless the net earnings exceed the YMPE, in which case the YMPE is entered). If you have entered this amount incorrectly you may receive a PIER report from CRA indicating that the congregation owes CPP contributions. 


There are two options for book compensation:

1. Book Allowance – the flat-rate amount is a taxable benefit and must be included on the T4.  Income tax should be withheld; CPP and EI must be paid on this amount. If the employee intends to claim books purchased with the allowance as work expenses on their personal income tax return, the employer must complete form T2200 and the employee must keep receipts as CRA may request them when assessing the return.


2. Book Reimbursement – When the employee submits receipts to the employer and is reimbursed for book purchases related to their employment responsibilities there is no taxable benefit assessed. (Note: Retention or disposal of the books at termination of employment is not a factor)

Note:  Pension and benefits are not paid on compensation for books.

Other Income

Other Income to be reported on a T4A

A T4A slip and summary form will have to be completed if you pay income for honoraria for services provided to your congregation, research grants, scholarships, study grants, fellowships, bursaries and prizes, and the total of all payments in the calendar year were more than $500.  You will have to obtain the recipients social insurance number and address.

Information on T4A filing can be obtained from the Canada Revenue Agency website  and is outlined in the publication “RC4157 (E), Deducting Income Tax on Pension and Other Income, and Filing the T4A Slip and Summary Form”.  The T4A slip is available in a PDF or PDF fillable form which can be downloaded.

Retiring Allowance

All eligible and non-eligible retiring allowance amounts must be reported on a T4.


An intern assigned to a congregation is an employee of that congregation, and any payment to an intern is considered employment income and subject to deductions as per CRA payroll deduction and exemption guidelines – please remember to budget accordingly.

Payroll Information for Treasurers related to Canada Revenue Agency

Canada Revenue Agency - Payroll Resource

The congregation is the employer and as such has certain payroll responsibilities which are usually performed by the treasurer.

The Canada Revenue Agency provides relevant and helpful information. Please check this site regularly to ensure that your organization is in compliance with all requirements.

To find out more about how to set up new employees and ongoing requirements for calculating deductions and reporting Canada Revenue Agency has provided a detailed page of instructions. Please take some time to review this.

Statutory Benefits

Canada Pension Plan (“CPP”) (Box 26 on the T4 Slip)

CPP pensionable income is earned income on which CPP premiums must be paid. This includes base salary plus the taxable benefits of life insurance premiums, housing equity allowance, and book allowance.  The exclusions from CPP Pensionable Income are the fair rental value of the parsonage and utilities or a housing allowance (where there is no parsonage) and as long as the employee is eligible for the clergy housing deduction and provides the required documents.

Please visit the Canada Revenue Agency website to determine eligibility and requirements for CPP contributions.


2023 2024 2024 Additional for CPP2
Employee contribution rate 5.95% 5.95% 4.00%
Employer contribution rate 5.95% 5.95% 4.00%
Maximum pensionable earning for CPP (before basic exemption) $66,600 $68,500 $4,700
Maximum employee annual contribution $3,754.45 $3,867.50 $188.00
Maximum employer annual contribution $3,754.45 $3,867.50 $188.00

Please remember to cease deductions for CPP contributions when you reach the maximums stated.

There have been several changes to the CPP program.  Please visit the Services Canada website to become familiar with those.

EI Insurable Earnings (Box 24 on the T4 Slip)

EI insurable earnings are earned income on which EI premiums must be paid. This includes base salary, housing allowance, housing equity allowance, utilities allowance, book allowance, and auto allowance if taxable.  The exclusion from EI insurable earnings is the life insurance premiums paid by the employer.

There is no age limit for withholding EI premiums.


2023 2024
Employee premium rate 1.63% 1.66%
Employer premium rate 2.28% 2.32%
Maximum insurable earnings for EI $61,500 $63,200
Maximum employee annual contribution $1,002.45 $1,049.12
Maximum employer contribution $1,403.43 $1,468.77

As an employer, your EI premium is 1.4 times the EI premium deducted for each employee. Please remember to cease deductions for EI contributions when you reach the maximums stated


It is recommended that each employee complete a TD1 each year.

Worker’s Compensation

Please check the labour law website in your jurisdiction to determine if workers compensation premiums are required.  In most cases they may not be, but it could depend on your unique circumstances.  The Canadian Council of Christian Charities issued a Bulletin in April 2014 which has a helpful article for your reference.

Taxable Benefits

General Introduction

Taxable benefits are those benefits or allowances paid by the employer on behalf of the employee that must be recorded on the T4. The payment is made either to the employee (cash) or directly to the creditor who supplied the goods or services to the employee (non-cash).  If the employer pays an expense directly to a supplier on behalf of an employee, and the expense is not deductible on the employee’s personal tax return, the total amount paid by the employer must be included in the income of the employee.

When you pay or provide a taxable benefit or allowance to your employee in addition to salaries and wages, you have to include the value of the benefit in the employee’s income.  This applies to all cash and non-cash benefits or allowances that are taxable.

To determine the total amount subject to payroll deductions, you must add the taxable benefit or allowance to the employee’s income each pay period and withhold deductions in the normal manner.  For tax purposes, if a non-cash benefit is of such a large value that withholding of income tax will cause undue hardship, you can spread the withholding over the balance of the year.

Life Insurance Premiums

The life insurance and accidental death coverage for employees is included in a bundled benefit within the ELCIC Group Benefits Plan.  According to CRA, if these premiums paid by an employer on behalf of an employee, they are taxable and pensionable (CPP must be deducted) but are not insurable (EI is not deducted).

On the T4 slip, this benefit would be reported in Box 14 “Employment Income” and also in included in Box 40 “Other Information – Other Taxable Benefits & Allowances”.  To calculate the taxable benefit please use the worksheet on the forms and worksheets page of this website.

Travel with Personal Vehicle

The following principles determine eligibility and reimbursement amounts or travel allowances for travel expenses incurred by rostered ministers serving one or more congregations in a full-time, part-time, multi-point parish, interim or supply basis:

1.  Rostered ministers who are required to travel as part of their work shall be reimbursed for travel, meals and accommodations. Compensation options specific to an minister’s vehicle are as follows:

  1. Vehicle Expenses KM Rate Paid – When the rostered minister is required to use their own vehicle, a per kilometer rate as set by CRA may be paid. The rate is specified for the first 5,000 km driven and then at a reduced rate on km driven thereafter for the balance of a calendar year. These amounts are updated annually and can be found on the CRA website.


  1. Vehicle Allowance – When the rostered minister is required to use their own vehicle, the employer may provide a flat annual amount for the cost of using the vehicle. This is a taxable benefit to which income tax, CPP and EI deductions apply.

2.  All travel incurred on congregational business must be logged by the rostered minister. If the rostered minister is receiving payment under #1a above, a copy of the log must be provided to the congregational treasurer prior to receiving payment. If the rostered minister is receiving payment under #1b above and/or planning to claim an income tax deduction for travel, the log is retained by the rostered minister for use when filing their income tax return.

3.  Travel between a rostered minister’s home and his/her primary place(s) of employment is considered personal driving and is not eligible for reimbursement on a tax free-basis, in accordance with CRA requirements.

In those situations where travel reimbursement on a tax-free basis is not permissible, a travel allowance based on an estimate of mileage may be negotiated between the congregation and the rostered minister. This approach may be advisable in situations where a rostered minister is serving one or more congregations on an interim or supply basis where significant travel between home and these congregations is required.

This travel allowance is a taxable benefit to which income tax, CPP and EI deductions apply. The rostered minister is responsible for determining whether this allowance is eligible to be claimed as a deduction on their income tax return, based on information provided by the congregation on the T2200 Declaration of Conditions of Employment form (see below) and CRA guidance (refer to Automobile and Motor Vehicle Benefits and Allowance).

4.  Group Pension and Group Benefits are not paid on compensation for travel.

Regardless of whether a rostered minister is reimbursed for travel expenses (refer to #1a above), receives a travel allowance (refer to #1b above) or receives no reimbursement or allowance, the congregation should provide the pastor with a completed T2200 Declaration of Conditions of Employment form.

If a travel allowance is provided (refer to #1b and #3 above), the congregation must issue a T4 to the rostered minister indicating the amount of the travel allowance in Box 14 “Employment income” and in the “Other information” area under code 40 at the bottom of the T4 slip.

Note: Normally an “employer-employee” relationship exists between the congregation and the rostered minister serving that congregation. This applies even in the case of a rostered minister serving in a supply capacity.

Summary of Taxable Benefits

Here is a quick checklist for taxable benefits

Taxable Benefit
Benefits Subject to DeductionBenefits Subject to DeductionBenefits Subject to DeductionT4 RequirementsT4 Requirements
Income Tax
Income BoxTaxable Benefit Box
Life Insurance PremiumsYesNoYesBox 14Box 40
ParsonageNo*YesNo *Box 14Box 30
Housing Allowance
No*YesNo *Box 14
Utilities AllowanceNoYesNoBox 14Box 40
Housing Equity AllowanceYesYesYesBox 14
Book AllowanceYesYesYesBox 14Box 40
Vehicle Allowance - flat monthly amountYesYesYesBox 14Box 40
Vehicle Allowance - reimbursed for actual work kilometresNoNoNoN/AN/A
Telephone/Internet - personal use portion if paid by employerYesYesYesBox 14Box 40
* with letter of authority

Non-taxable Benefits

There may be a number of expenses that the congregation pays for such as communication technology (phone, internet, etc.) or meeting attendance costs or other expenses required to for the position.

These costs are not a taxable benefit as they are required to complete the duties of employment.  Any personal portion within these costs that the congregation pays for must be reimbursed by the employee or assigned a taxable benefit and reported on the T4 slip in Box 14 and Box 40.

CRA Filings Related to Employees

T4 - General Filing Information

Employers have to file their T4 information return by the last day of February following the calendar year to which the information return applies.  If the last day of February is a Saturday, Sunday, or a statutory holiday, your information return is due the next business day.

You have to give two copies of the slips to your employees by the last day of February following the calendar year to which the slips apply.

A T4 information return includes the T4 slips and the related T4 summary form. For more information on how to file a T4 return, see the publication “RC4120 – Employer’s Guide – Filing the T4 Slip and Summary”  on the CRA web site.

T4 slips and summaries can be filed electronically or on paper.

To file electronically, go to the CRA website and use “my Business Account” or if you are not set up with an account you will need a Web access code (WAC), which can be obtained by calling CRA help desk at 1.877.322.7849.  If you are technology savvy there are a few different internet filing options available.

You can file up to 50 T4 slips on paper.  These returns should be mailed to the Ottawa Technology Centre, CRA, 875 Heron Road, Ottawa, ON, K1A 1G9.  If the T4 slips are handwritten, please make sure they are neat and legible.

You can download PDF or PDF fillable form from the CRA website.

Completing the T4

Employer’s Name: Enter the name of the employer as registered with CRA and used to remit employee deductions. Generally, this will be the name of your congregation.

Employee’s Name and Address:  Print or type the employee’s last name in capital letters, followed by the first name and initials. Do not enter the title of office or courtesy title of the employee. Enter the employee’s address, including the province or territory, postal code, and country if other than Canada.

Year: Enter the four digits of the calendar year in which you paid the remuneration to the employee.

Box – Void: Enter an “X” in this box only if the T4 is cancelled. Otherwise leave blank.

Box 10 – Province of Employment: Enter one of the following abbreviations to indicate the province or territory in which the employee reported to work.

  • AB – Alberta
  • BC – British Columbia
  • MB – Manitoba
  • NB – New Brunswick
  • NL – Newfoundland & Labrador
  • NS – Nova Scotia
  • NT – Northwest Territories
  • NU – Nunavut
  • ON – Ontario
  • PE – Prince Edward Island
  • QC – Quebec
  • SK – Saskatchewan
  • US – United States
  • YT – Yukon
  • ZZ – Other than Canada or US

Box 12 – Social Insurance Number: Enter the employee’s social insurance number (SIN) as it appears on the employee’s SIN card.

Box 14 – Employment Income: Report the total employment income paid before deductions. This includes the total of all salary, wages, bonuses, vacation pay, allowances and the value of all taxable benefits. Include each of the amounts that are also reported in the “Other Information” area of the T4 supplementary.

Box 16 and 17 – Employee’s CPP/QPP Contributions: Enter the amount deducted from the employee’s earnings for contributions to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) or Québec Pension Plan (QPP). Make the entry under CPP (Box 16) or QPP (Box 17) depending on the province of employment. Do not enter the employer’s share of premiums.

Box 18 – Employee’s EI Premiums: Enter the amount of Employment Insurance (EI) deducted from the employee’s earnings. Do not enter the employer’s share of premiums.

Box 20 – Registered Pension Plan (RPP) Contributions: Enter the total amount deducted from the employee’s earnings for contributions to the ELCIC Pension Plan for Clergy and Lay Workers, or other registered pension plan. This amount will include any additional voluntary contributions deducted from the employee’s earnings during the year. Do not include the employer’s contribution to the registered pension plan in this box.

Box 22 – Income Tax Deducted: Enter the total income tax deducted from the employee’s earnings. This includes federal, provincial (except for Québec) and territorial taxes that apply. Do not include any amount withheld under the authority of a “garnishee” or a “requirement to pay” which applies to the employee’s previously assessed tax arrears.

Box 24 – EI Insurable Earnings: Enter the amount of insurable earnings you used to calculate the employee’s EI premiums. Leave this box blank if:

  • There are no insurable earnings;
  • Insurable earnings are the same as employment income in Box 14; or
  • Insurable earnings are over the maximum for the year.

Box 26 – CPP/QPP Pensionable Earnings: This box must always be completed.  Enter the total amount that was used to calculate the employee’s CPP of QPP contributions, up to the maximum pensionable earnings for the year.  If the pensionable earnings were reduced due to the clergy residence deduction, the reduced amount should be entered here. Note that the clergy residence deduction will reduce CPP contributions only to the extent that the reduction is below the YMPE threshold.

This box is applicable for all employees between the ages of 18 an 70.  Ensure that pensionable non cash taxable benefits are included as well.

Box 28 – CPP/QPP and EI Exempt: Leave box blank if you entered an amount in Box 16, 17 or 26. Enter an “X” under “CPP/QPP” if the earnings were exempt for the entire period.

Do not complete the EI part of this box if you entered an amount in box 18 or 24.  Enter an “X” under “EI” if the earnings were exempt for the entire period.

Box 29 – Employment Code: Leave this box blank.

Box 44 – Union Dues: Use this box only if you and the union agree that the union will not issue receipts for union dues of employees.

Box 46 – Charitable Donations: Enter the amount you deducted from the employee’s earnings for donations to registered charities in Canada.

Box 45 – Choose Option 3 (eligible for payee, spouse and dependent children) regardless of employee’s actual coverage.

Box 50 – RPP Registration Number: Enter the seven-digit registration number issued for an employee’s pension plan. The registration number for the ELCIC Pension Plan for Clergy and Lay Workers is 0533240.

Box 52 – Pension Adjustment: The amount of an employee’s pension adjustment is the total of:

  • the Employee’s 7% mandatory contributions to the plan for the year; plus
  • the Employee’s voluntary contributions to the plan during the year, plus
  • the Employer’s 8% contributions to the plan for the year.

Leave box 52 blank if the employee died during the year.

Box 54 – Business Number: Enter the 15-digit Business Number (BN) that you use when remitting employee deductions.

Other Information Area: At the bottom of the T4 supplementary, additional information regarding taxable benefits is reported for government statistical purposes. On the back of the T4, there is a listing of benefits and the corresponding box numbers. Most congregations will need to note the following two benefits in particular:

  • Box 30 – Housing, Board and Lodging: If the congregation provided an employee with free or subsidized housing, or board and lodging, enter the taxable amount in box 30.  The amount reported in Box 30 is also included in Box 14 “Employment Income”.
  • Box 40 – Other Taxable Allowances and Benefits:  Report the total of all taxable benefits such as life insurance premiums ,  utilities allowance or utilities paid by congregation  (might include: hydro, natural gas, water, phone, cable and internet) and taxable vehicleallowance.  For Québec residents only, health and dental premiums paid by the employer must also be included as taxable benefits on the Releve 1. The total amount reported in Box 40 is also to be included in Box 14 “Employment Income”.

Box 55 – Employee’s PPIP Premiums:  Enter the PPIP premiums that you deducted for employees working in Quebec.

Box 56 – PPIP Insurable Earnings:  For employees working in Quebec, enter the total amount used to calculate the employee’s PPIP premiums up to the maximum.  Leave box blank if there are no insurable earnings, the insurable earnings are the same as the employment income in box 14, or the insurable earnings are over the maximum for the year.

Box 85 – Employee paid premiums from for private health services plans: If your employee is enrolled in the green or teal health modules and is paying the premium difference (or a portion of the premium difference) to the blue module, then these amounts are qualifying medical expenses. Enter the amount in box 85 that was withheld from the employee’s pay for the health module.

Completing the T4 Summary

Use the T4 Summary, to report the totals of the amounts reported on the related T4 slips.  In the boxes at the top of the form, enter the 15-digit Business Number (BN), your organization’s name and address information.

Year – Enter the two last digits of the calendar year for which you are filing the return.

Line 14 – Employment Income: Add the amounts reported in Box 14 of all the T4 slips and enter the total on line 14.

Line 16 – Employees CPP Contributions: Add the amounts reported in Box 16 of all the T4 slips and enter the total on line 16.

Line 18 – Employees EI Premiums: Add the amounts reported in Box 18 of all T4 slips and enter the total on line 18.

Line 19 – Employer EI Premiums: Enter the employer’s share of Employment Insurance premiums. Multiply the employee’s total premiums reported in line 18 by 1.4 and enter this number on line 19.

Line 20 – Registered Pension Plan Contributions: Add the amounts reported in Box 20 of all T4 slips and enter the total on line 20.

Line 22 – Income Tax Deducted: Add the amounts reported in Box 22 of all T4 slips and enter the total on line 22.

Line 27 – Employer CPP Contributions: Enter the employer’s share of CPP contributions. The employer’s premiums are equal to the employees’ premiums as reported on line 16.

Line 52 – Pension Adjustment: Add the amounts reported in Box 52 of all the T4 slips and enter the total on line 52.

Lines 76 and 78 – Person to Contact: Enter the name and telephone number of a person who can be contacted to clarify any of the information on the T4 Summary or T4 Slips.

Line 80 – Total Deductions Reported: Add the amounts reported on lines 16, 18, 19, 22, and 27 of the T4 Summary form and enter the total on line 80.

Line 82 – Remittances: Enter the total amount of remittances to the Receiver General for the year.

Difference: Subtract Line 82 from Line 80 and enter this amount under “Difference”.  If the result on line “Difference” is zero, leave lines 84 and 86 blank.

Line 84 – Overpayment: If the result on line “Difference” is negative, enter the result on Line 84, “Overpayment.” Attach a note indicating the reason for the overpayment.

Line 86 – Balance Due:  If the result on line “Difference” is positive, enter it on line 86, “Balance Due”.

Amount Enclosed: If there is a balance due, attach a cheque made payable to “Receiver General”.

Line 88 – Total Number of T4 Slips Filed: Enter the total number of T4 slips that are included with the T4 Summary form.

Certification: A current officer of the organization must sign the T4 information return.

Completing the T1223 - Clergy Residence Deduction Form

For an individual to be eligible for the clergy residence deduction they must meet both the “status test” and “function test” as defined by CRA. Part B of form T1223 must be completed by the employer to certify that the employee fits the criteria.

To satisfy the “status” test, the employee must belong to a recognized clergy group of their religious order. The recognized clergy groups in the ELCIC are the three recognized rosters: bishops, ordained ministers and diaconal ministers. The employee must be on one of these rosters to satisfy the status test.

To satisfy the “function” test, the rostered employee must minister to a congregation or be in full-time administration with the religious order and the clergy employee must be recognized by the religious order to provide the Sacraments. Chaplains in hospitals, correctional facilities and the military are considered to be ministering to congregations. Teachers in educational institutions are specifically excluded by CRA from being allowed the clergy residence deduction.


For further information, refer to CRA’s Interpretation Bulletin IT-141R (Consolidated).

Completing the T2200

The employer must complete the T2200 form for the employee to deduct employment expenses from his or her income. The employee does not have to file this form with his or her return, but must keep it in case the CRA wants to see it.

For information on how to complete the form, please visit the CRA website or call the GSI offices at at 1-877-352-4247